Thursday, September 06, 2007

kitchen layout


Unknown said...

This is lovely cute environment.

Unknown said...
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B Roy said...

wow what the... man I dont even want to post anything now...

Good work man


Jono Doiron said...

Gorgeous work, Tony!

There is lots for the eye to feast on in this picture. Details like the solar glare, the floor reflection and atmospheric perspective make this an "enviroment", instead of just a pretty painted background(in my opinion).

Ryan Cole said...

That is crazy colorful! Wicked Wonkyness! The Kitsch of Kitchens! Ok, that last one isn't true, but it sounds neat, dun' it?

Kate said...

Hey Tony! It's GRRREAT!!!! I always was a fan of your layouts! I love it! I like how you even put in a glare on the floor and there's scratch marks on the floor by the stool. And the colours are pretty sweet too! Now just teach your girl how to do amazing stuff like that!