Wednesday, March 19, 2008

AHHH!! pencil on paper

Here are some selected skeches from my drawing pile.


Unknown said...

Always such great work ! I admire it all, including the earlier posts. Keep posting I'll make sure to come back with much more time and praise !


pmaestro said...


so you like to draw eh?

good stuff

whole blogwise, i just didn't feel like posting "good stuff" on each of your posts.

you gots lots.

Jono Doiron said...

Glad to see you posting some of these sketches, rather then letting them collect dust on your floor. Great page of gestures with the Mystery Dog character! You've been re-working the design of him for a long time and it looks like the character is really starting to come to life.

Joanna Wang said...

You must did a lot of practices, because you drew them really very well!